Terms & Conditions

By purchasing any of our services, you consent to the services of Ouro by Carbon (“Carbon”), a trading identity of Carbon LLC FZ, and to treatment and advice by Edana Schul or any of Carbon’s herbal and naturopathic practitioners, and confirm your understanding of, and agreement to, the following:


Naturopathic and herbal medicine is a traditional and holistic approach to health and healing. Naturopathic treatments and advice are based on natural, noninvasive techniques that stimulate and support the body’s innate healing capacity.

Working with a naturopath is a tailored experience that is completely unique to you and your current circumstances. Naturopaths treat the whole person, not the symptom and work investigatively to find the root cause of your concerns, treating them from the inside out to bring you into optimum health. This is an educational health journey which gives you tools and knowledge to help you take care of your health in the long term. It is a collaborative and enjoyable process with the end goal being that you know how to look after yourself and don’t need long-term or regular healthcare support.

In addition to naturopathic and herbal medicine, the practitioner is trained in various other holistic modalities including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Iridology, Nutrition and Bach Flower Remedies, which may be applied to treatments, as appropriate, to your needs and goals.

The practitioner is also a qualified pilates instructor, personal trainer, energy medicine practitioner and elite leadership and lifestyle mentor. This support can be incorporated into your overall treatment journey if requested, at an additional cost.

Prescription drug and herb interactions are taken into account for your safety when formulating any prescriptions and contraindications for prescriptions or treatments are factored in at all times in line with your unique circumstances. It is important that you divulge accurate information about your prescription medication and supplements, if applicable, at all times.


Consultations typically last 1.5 hours, during which, a detailed case history is taken consisting of extensive questions relating to your unique health picture. A variety of non-invasive diagnostic techniques may be used if required including pulse, blood pressure, tongue or eye readings as an example. No invasive or internal examinations are performed in naturopathic medicine. If you have any recent blood test reports or other clinical/medical tests/reports we ask that you share these with your practitioner prior to consultation as this information can be useful.

Consultations themselves are often therapeutic in nature and you are asked to always be open and honest about your physical and also emotional and mental wellbeing, in order that the practitioner can support you and your healing in a multifaceted way.

At the end of the consultation the practitioner will prepare a detailed personalised protocol with instructions for you to follow, this may include the prescription of one or more herbal formulas or supplementation, in order to support your health goals. The practitioner may also suggest other changes to improve your wellbeing and support positive results in your ongoing treatment. Prescriptions and advice protocols are normally to be taken/carried out over a 4 week period, unless a longer time is agreed, and a follow up consultation and adjustments to your prescription/protocol (if needed) will be made at the end of this period.

Follow-up consultations are normally carried out a month after initial consultation. These consults are shorter in duration, lasting around 45 minutes, where we review your progress together and make adjustments to further support your healing journey.

You understand that compliance is key to achieving the best results/outcomes in your treatment. Failure to adhere to instructions or dosage is entirely your responsibility and you understand that it may impede progress or delay or hamper the effectiveness of your treatment.


Due to the international nature of our practice and our client base, consultations will be done predominantly via online video conference (preferred) or by telephone call. Where otherwise agreed, consultations can be done in person in your city of residence at a private office location or at your home.


Duration of treatment depends on the individuals dedication to the process, health concerns and appetite for healing and support, whether on a shorter or longer term basis. This is an individual choice. To support clients with specific concerns longer treatment time is advisable, with a minimum three month commitment to see results due to the gentle and supportive nature of naturopathic and herbal treatments to bring about long lasting changes in your overall health picture. Ongoing support, and using these modalities as your primary healthcare service is advisable for improving and maintaining optimum health.


All costs associated with your treatment will be advised to you in advance and treatment will only commence once you have agreed to said costs. Fees are payable upon purchase of our services or in line with our terms of payment as detailed during any online purchase or on any invoice issued to you. We accept payments by credit and debit card online, or via bank transfer. Our fees are payable in USD or AED. You are responsible for the payment of any taxes or levies on services as well as for any postage or shipping costs, bank fees, foreign exchange differences and any other associated costs related to the complete settlement of our fees.

For consultation appointments, changes or cancellations must be made at least 12 hours prior to the scheduled appointment. Failure to do so will incur a 50% charge/retention of the fee. No show will be charged in full. No refunds are given for missed or partially missed consultations due to lateness. Your booked consultation slot is fixed and will not be extended

We reserve the right to review and increase our fees at any time and confirm that any adjustment will be notified to you in advance.

Specific wellness programmes, longer term options and memberships are available and detailed on our website www.ourobycarbon.com with pricing where applicable – for personalised programmes you will receive a quotation for fees prior to being asked to make payment. Payment must be received in full prior to commencement of the services. 

To support your wellness journey, we may recommend additional specialised treatments or diagnostics to enhance your health outcomes. Any supplementation or medical herbal prescriptions will also be fulfilled by third party service providers. All third party service providers fees are in addition to our fees and are to be paid directly to them.


By your signature hereto, you give your full consent to the services and advice of a herbal and naturopathic practitioner/health adviser to assist you with your personal health and wellbeing journey across a wide variety of areas.

You understand that these terms and your consent applies to the entire duration of your relationship with Carbon and its practitioners on an ongoing basis, every time that you seek our advice or consultation, receive a treatment plan or follow one of our programmes.

You understand that you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation in our services and or treatments at any time by informing us of your decision to do so via email at the address contained in the contact section of these terms.

You have read, and confirm your understanding of, the nature of treatments and advice included in these terms and have discussed this in detail, to your satisfaction, with us. You confirm that you have had any questions answered to your satisfaction and agree and understand that it is your responsibility to request the practitioner to explain therapies and procedures to you if you have any questions.

By signing these terms, you agree that you have been informed of any risks associated with treatment and that you confirm your consent and agreement to undergo the treatment recommended.


All herbal dispensations are prepared and packaged by qualified and regulated herbal medicine dispensaries and trained and qualified herbal practitioners. Any adverse effects to any prescribed medicines experienced by the client are to be reported immediately to the practitioner who will advise on next steps. As herbal medicine by nature is non toxic, side effects are extremely rare and are not life threatening, but your comfort and safety is a priority.

You must adhere to the instructions of the practitioner at all times, especially with regards to the dosage of any prescribed herbal medications. Protocols are to be followed correctly under the guidance of the practitioner.

As with any health treatment, certain experiences or complications may arise. In naturopathy and herbal or lifestyle medicine these side-effects are normally positive and in any case are much less than you would experience with allopathic medical treatment or prescription drugs. However, complications may include, but are not limited to, aggravation of pre-existing conditions, allergic reactions to supplements or herbs, complications in certain physiological conditions such as pregnancy or lactation, or in young children, elderly patients, or those with specific diseases, such as heart, liver, kidney, cancer or diabetes. Some clients might experience a “healing crisis” as part of the body’s natural detoxification and healing processes, where symptoms seem to worsen for a period before they are cleared. This is a normal part of the healing process for many people and is not an indication that treatment is making the situation worse in most events.

You understand that you are responsible for ensuring clear and honest communication with your practitioner regarding your wellbeing status during your healing journey at all times, so that appropriate guidance gave be provided or action taken.

The practitioner will make every reasonable effort during consultation to assess and identify any contraindications to care; however, if you have a condition that would otherwise not come to the practitioners attention it is your responsibility to inform them of such condition. Please advise if you are pregnant, suspect you are pregnant, are trying to become pregnant or if you are breastfeeding. Please also inform the practitioner of all prescription drugs that you are actively taking as well as any serious existing medical diagnoses.

To support your wellness journey, we may recommend the treatments and services of other providers or ask that you undertake diagnostics or testing to enhance your health outcome. We take no responsibility nor accept any liability for the quality or safety of any therapy or treatment at any third party service provider and you understand that by undertaking any recommended services you do so in accordance with the terms of the relationship with that service provider alone, outside the scope of these terms.


Responsibilities of the client:

  1. Provide accurate and truthful information regarding your health at all times, knowing that if you don’t, your treatment may be compromised and potentially cause you harm. This is specifically important with regards to serious health conditions, organ or system compromise and prescription drugs.
  2. To follow the guidance of the practitioner at all times, and to not deviate from the advised protocol
  3. To cancel or reschedule appointments within the timeframe specified to avoid forfeiture of fees
  4. To attend appointments in a timely manner
  5. To inform the practitioner immediately in the even of any significant health changes, new medications, new diagnoses or new symptoms or adverse experiences, whether related or unrelated to the services rendered by this practitioner.

Responsibilities of the practitioner:

  1. Practitioner warrants that they are qualified in naturopathic medicine and herbal medicine  holding registration with relevant professional regulatory bodies and maintaining professional indemnity insurance for practice.
  2. To adhere to the relevant laws governing practice of naturopathic and herbal medicine at all times.
  3. To adhere to the code of practice and ethics as set out by the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners.


Should you wish to make a complaint with regards to your practitioner, you agree to first contact the practitioner directly to discuss your grievance and work with them to address and resolve your concerns. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve your concerns, you can make an official complaint to the Association of Naturopathic practitioners at [email protected] who will guide you through the process and liaise with the practitioner as appropriate.


You understand that electronic records will be kept of your personal data, as shared with your practitioner, including details of the treatments and services provided to you during the course of your relationship with us.

We store your personal information securely and shall not share it with any third party. We handle and process your data in accordance with the data protection laws and regulations applicable in Meydan Free Zone, Dubai and will retain your personal data only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws.

Your personal data will not be released to any third party unless you give your express consent or the law requires it. You may access your medical records or request a copy of them at any time.


For the purposes of your treatment and for the duration of our relationship, questions, concerns or anything relate to our services will be directed to the contact details below:

Contact person: Edana Schul

Designation: Chief Executive Officer

Company: Carbon LLC FZ

Email: [email protected]

Tel (Asia): +60 12 921 5025

Tel (Middle East): +971 52 872 2224

Tel (UK/Europe): +44 7917 638 911

If you are contacting the practitioner via telephone, please be respectful of any international time difference and also that some of these numbers may be temporarily switched off depending on the practitioners location at the time of contact. Email is our preferred method of communication unless otherwise agreed with the client. We do not provide on-call or emergency medical advisory services.


I declare that I have read and understood the information presented above and authorise and consent to my current and future adherence to the services and treatments of Carbon LLC FZ, and I understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time.